
Agile Circle

How to GROW a team

Published 6 months ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader,

If you were not in the mini-class last week, you probably missed the link to the GROW guide. But as always, I have companion blogs to my videos, so you need not sweat!

So first things first, get your GROW guide here.

Why consider this quick GROW guide?

I personally find that when you are starting with coaching, or when you want to troubleshoot your current coaching abilities, it's undoubtedly one of the best frameworks in existence.

GROW is a fantastic coaching model because it's accessible to even the most novice coach; it's a model you can use alone on yourself as you test the waters and produces no evil result when you try with your teams.

Plus, it brings:

  • Clarity: The GROW model helps team members to clarify their goals and develop a clear action plan for achieving them.
  • Self-awareness: The GROW model helps team members to identify and develop strategies for leveraging their strengths and improving their weaknesses.
  • Accountability: The GROW model helps team members to commit to specific actions and be accountable for their progress towards their goals.
  • Empowerment: The GROW model empowers team members to find their own solutions and take ownership of their development.

It all starts with understanding the model. To get your friendly GROW guide here.

I hope you are having a wonderful day!



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