
Agile Circle

How you can broaden a skill... and a chance to win free tickets!

Published 6 months ago • 2 min read

Hiya Reader,

First things first! I want to ask if you want to win a chance to get tickets for an awesome agile event.

I'm glad you said yes!

The Agile Tour Montreal 2023 is around the corner and since my company All Things Agile is one of the sponsors, you get a chance to win a ticket to show up online.

The event happens in person here in Montreal, Canada and it's in French and English. It's a huge French event that we are very proud of! But most of keynotes and English presentations will be recorded, so you get to participate as well!

The theme is delectable: The human at the heart of agile ♥️.

How to participate? Reply to this email with your name as you wish to see printed (matching your ID) and best email!

I will do a quick lottery and the happy 5 winners will receive their e-tickets by the end of next week!

The event takes place the week after, on November 28th and 29th.

And stay tuned because when you win, you will receive an email directly from the event admins, so you will be needing to check your SPAM folder.

Good luck! 🤞

Now something else I want to share with you is about making the most of your skills. By using it at every possible opportunity.

For example, in a previous email I sent you the GROW coaching model guide and there's a post and video you can check quickly as well. And you can definitely use it to coach teams or individuals.

And here's something else you can do: apply tools to similar, albeit different contexts.

Have you thought about using G.R.O.W. to engage in stakeholder discussions, especially around roadmaps?

Here it's what it could look like:


  • What are you trying to achieve in the next X months? What are the desired outcomes?
  • Why do you have those objectives?


  • What's currently on your plate?


  • What do you think can help you achieve those goals/outcomes?
  • What options previously discussed might need to be revisited?


  • Which of the product priorities on the list are you in agreement for the next X months?
  • What's on top of the list and why?

GROW is a problem-solving coaching tool that can be applied to individual and team context, whether that is roadmap or team dynamics. Whether it's even with yourself, self- coaching to personal and professional development.

From the Blog

I mentioned you can use GROW to coach teams or individuals, and here's something for you to check out: coaching one person versus many is not the same thing in spirit and in techniques and in how you show up as a coach. If you want to brush up on your coaching, give it a read!

And in case you are still wondering what is it that agile coaches do all day, I invite you to see one specific day in my life as a remote external agile coach. While I take shorter and shorter engagement these days (I love laser coaching and maybe I can tell you more about it some other time if you'd like), I still adore coaching teams and their leaders, remotely or in person and I don't think I would be able to teach anything agile or coaching related without those amazing experiences. Take a read or a listen!

I hope you are having a wonderful day!



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